Is Your Unemployment Taxable?

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If you are receiving unemployment compensation, it’s important to understand how it can affect your taxes. You may still have to file a tax return even if you are not earning income otherwise. We’ve explained if unemployment income is taxable, if you can get a tax refund on unemployment, plus answered other frequently asked questions.  

Like any taxpayer, you will either owe taxes or receive a refund when you file your return. You owe taxes if you haven’t paid enough throughout the year in the form of withholding income from your paychecks or making quarterly estimated payments. On the other hand, you receive a refund when too much has been paid and the IRS or your state reimburses you with the difference. 

Is unemployment taxable income? 

All recipients of unemployment benefits are subject to federal taxation, and the amount owed varies based on one’s tax bracket and total taxable income. When it comes to state taxes, it depends on your location. If you live in a state without income tax, you don’t have to worry about paying state taxes on your unemployment compensation. However, for states with income tax, the treatment of unemployment compensation varies from state to state. Check with your state’s Department of Revenue for the most up-to-date income tax laws. 

Do I have to file taxes if I’m unemployed?   

It depends on your circumstances. You may have to file taxes if your income, filing status, and gross income meet certain requirements. Use this IRS tool to confirm if you’re required to file a tax return.   

Have you picked up a side gig since becoming unemployed? If you drive for Uber or DoorDash, or sell products as an independent consultant, you may be considered self-employed for tax purposes.  

What happens if I don’t file my unemployment on my taxes?

State agencies report unemployment compensation to recipients, as well as the IRS, on Form 1099-G. The IRS keeps a record of the tax forms issued to taxpayers. If your return does not match the IRS records, they may indicate a discrepancy by rejecting your tax return. You should report all forms of income on your tax return to ensure your income tax is calculated accurately. 

What happens if I owe taxes but am unemployed?

Depending on your specific tax circumstance, it is possible to owe taxes even while unemployed. If you have concerns about paying your tax bill by the due date, contact the IRS as soon as possible. You can work with the IRS to set up a payment plan and discuss ways to avoid additional penalties and fees. 

How can I get a tax refund while receiving unemployment?   

Since unemployment benefits are generally taxable, you’ll need to include the total benefits received on your tax return. When you earn wage income, taxes are withheld from your paycheck. Unlike wage income, unemployment benefits do not have automatic tax withholding. Still, you can adjust your withholdings to help cover your tax liability. If you didn’t initially set up withholding for your unemployment benefits, you can still opt for voluntary withholding by submitting Form W-4V to your state unemployment office or make estimated tax payments throughout the year.  

When you file a tax return, your total income will be considered. If the tax withheld from your side gig or any estimated payments exceeds your tax liability for the year, you could be eligible for a refund. Qualifying for tax credits can further increase your chances of receiving a refund, as they can directly reduce the amount of tax you owe. 

How can I check on my unemployment tax refund?   

If you are receiving unemployment income and eligible for a tax refund, you can check the status of your refund by logging in to your IRS Online Account. Once logged in, locate the “Check My Refund Status” tool, which is designed to help you track the status of your tax refund. You can view when the IRS received your taxes, when your refund was approved, and when your refund should be delivered. You can also request to have a copy of your tax transcript mailed to you. Get IRS answers to frequently asked unemployment tax refund questions here

Are there tax breaks for unemployment?

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is intended to help taxpayers with low to moderate incomes. The amount of credit you can receive depends on your filing status, total income, and how many qualifying children you have.   

If you are paying for child care while you look for work, you could receive a tax credit to offset those costs. The amount you can claim for the Child and Dependent Care Credit depends on your income.   

For the EITC and the Child Care Credit, you must have earned income to report on your return. Your unemployment compensation does not count toward these since it is not “earned.” If you lost your job during the year, you may still qualify based on what you earned while you were still employed.     

If you have dependents under age 17, you may be able to claim the Child Tax Credit. You do not need to have earned income to qualify for this credit, but your dependents will have to meet certain requirements to be eligible. If you claim anyone 17 years old or older, they may qualify for a separate dependent credit worth $500.   

How to file taxes for unemployment

You should receive Form 1099-G from your state showing the total amount of unemployment income you need to report. If you were employed for any amount of time during the year, you will also need your W-2 from your former employer.     

When navigating your 1099-G, you’ll notice box 1, which reports the total amount of your compensation. It’s common for income tax to be taken out of your benefits as you receive them, so you don’t owe a lump sum when you file your tax return. If that’s how your benefits are set up, you’ll find the amount of federal tax withheld in box 4. Additionally, any state tax withheld will be in box 11. 

Does the 2021 American Rescue Plan exclusion affect my unemployment tax refund? 

The 2021 American Rescue Plan retroactively offered an exclusion of $10,200 on unemployment income for 2020 tax returns only.  While this exclusion does not translate to a dollar-for-dollar refund, the exclusion may have adjusted your return resulting in an increased tax refund. 

The exclusion can only be applied to unemployment compensation on 2020 tax returns. It cannot be claimed in the following tax years, as it has only been extended to 2020 tax returns.   

If you were eligible for this exclusion, the IRS automatically recalculated your return with the correct amount of taxable unemployment income and tax. Taxpayers impacted by this exclusion should have received a letter from the IRS to inform them of the change to their return and any related adjustments.  

If you had an outstanding tax liability, the IRS would have applied the refund to your remaining balance. If you did not have an unpaid tax bill, the IRS would have issued an additional refund for the overpayment. If you believe you are eligible for the exclusion, but the IRS did not correct your return, you may need to file an amended return for tax year 2020. 

Final thoughts on unemployment tax refunds

Understanding the tax impact of being unemployed can be tricky, but knowing the basics is crucial for anyone receiving unemployment compensation. It’s important to know that unemployment income is taxable at the federal level and possibly at the state level, depending on where you live. Filing a tax return is necessary if your income meets certain criteria. Choosing to have taxes taken out of your paycheck or making planned payments in advance can help keep your taxes under control. Comprehending these factors can help ensure you’re prepared for the coming tax season to avoid surprises and maximize potential tax benefits. 

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